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Zespół RStyles zaprasza na warsztaty z LimeSurvey

RSTYLES Workshops

RS2 2 Log-data collection and processing using LimeSurvey and R 


(Workshops are conducted on behalf of the project „Understanding response styles in self-report data: consequences, remedies, and sources” (2019/33/B/HS6 /00937) which is financed by the National Science Centre)


9th-10th June, 13:00-16:30 CEST (UTC+02:00) via Zoom


Workshop is offered free of charge. For registration please fill in this questionnaire: 


  • Ability to build and manage simple online surveys using LimeSurvey platform.
  • Ability to configure a LimeSurvey survey to collect log-data using logDataLimeSurvey applet.
  • Ability to use the logLime R package to preprocess collected log-data and compute process indicators describing cursor moves, average response time, response editing and hovering.
  • Ability to visualize cursor moves and clicks using preprocessed log-data with the use of the logLime R package.


  • dr Tomasz Żółtak
  • dr hab. Artur Pokropek, prof. IFiS PAN
  • dr Marek Muszyński 
  • dr Maria Flakus 


  • dr Tomasz Żółtak
  • dr Maria Flakus
  • dr Marek Muszyński


  • Having a LimeSurvey account (free) created either on or on some other server (for example one’s institution’s service)
  • Programs installed on computer:
    • R – downloadable here;
    • RStudio – downloadable here;
    • additional R packages: tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2, gganimate, gifski, remotes:
      `install.packages(c(“tidyr”, „dplyr”, „ggplot2”, “gganimate”, “gifski”, “remotes”)`


First day – Designing surveys in LimeSurvey with Log-data collection

  1. Welcome (AP)
  2. Introduction to LimeSurvey (MF)
    1. The admin interface of LimeSurvey: basic features, interface management, themes.
    2. Creating questionnaire: general information, text elements (i.e., introduction and ending message).
  3. Designing simple questionnaires (MF)
    1. Group of questions vs. questions: differences.
    2. Managing groups of questions.
    3. Questions and types of questions: general settings, logic, types of questions (i.e., single- and multiple-choice, text questions, mask questions, array).
    4. Setting time limits into the question.
  4. Managing survey (MF)
    1. Uploading the survey and sharing the survey with participants.
    2. Scanning the progress in the survey: complete and incomplete records, generating of the dataset.
  5. Implementing log data collection (MF+TZ)

Break – 30 min.

  1. Hands on Lime. Designing and implementing your own survey.

Second day: Processing log-data

  1. Introduction to survey paradata (MM)
  2. Features of the logLime R package (TZ)
  3. Exporting data from LimeSurvey and reading it into R (TZ)
    1. Exporting survey results
    2. Exporting survey structure file
    3. Reading survey results into R
  4. Log-data preprocessing (TZ)
    1. Separating different types of paradata from log-data streams
    2. Identifying and filtering out broken/problematic records
    3. Inspecting different types of events
  5. Computing process indicators (TZ)
    1. Response editing
    2. Hovering indices
    3. Average answering time
    4. Cursor moves indices

Break – 30 min.

  1. Visualizing cursor moves (TZ)
    1. Drawing heatmaps
    2. Drawing cursor traces and clicks
    3. Animating cursor traces and clicks
  2. Limitations and possible extensions of the package (TZ)