Prof. Artur Pokropek and Dr Marek Muszyński from the RStyles group took part in the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) 2023 conference, which was held in Milan, Italy.
The group members participated in workshops:
a) Measuring Citizen’s Digital Behaviours Using Web Trackers and Data Donations
b) How Online Survey Paradata Collection and Analysis Can Improve Your Study
c) Smart Surveys: Integrating Survey Data and Big Data
They also presented two papers each:
Prof. Pokropek:
a) Do you agree? Do you strongly agree? Response categories and verification of substantive hypotheses.
b) Improving Measurement Models using Deep Neural Networks. The case of Response Styles.
Co-authors of both papers are Dr Tomasz Żółtak and Dr Marek Muszyński.
Dr Muszyński:
a) New evidence on response biases time stability in online surveys: use of IRT models and response time data. (co-authored by Artur Pokropek i Tomasz Żółtak)
b) What can interviewer -collected paradata tell about measurement quality in face-to-face surveys? Analyzing response styles in the 21-item version of Schwartz’s Portrait Values Questionnaire based on the European Social Survey, 2008 – 2018. (co-author: Prof. Piotr Jabkowski)
It was a busy week in Milan!
Next ESRA is scheduled for 2025 in Utrecht.